About Me

Hi! I'm Katie. Thanks for making the time to stop by and visit. I know how precious your time is and I feel privileged your spending it with me. 

I also know how easy it is to spend hours reading blogs.  So if you're on hour two and dinner is burning and the kids are suspiciously quiet, by all means, please leave the Internet immediately and attend to what needs attending--I will completely understand. 

But, if the house is quiet and you have to time to snuggle into some reading and writing, then stay awhile and let's get to know each other.

As I said before, I'm Katie and I live in Illinois with my wonderful husband and three amazing children.

I used to believe time flew. On certain days it really feels that way.

But now I know time is not flying. Time's just doing what it's always done--marching forward one beat at a time. When time feels like it is flying, if I step back, I realize it's really just me pushing it into flight. 

So I write this blog. Not to stop time but to help me fine tune my eyes and my heart to notice the present, what I believe is the moment in front of me. 

What precedes the writing is the important part. First there is the noticing. Then the pause. Deep breath in and there it is, a moment.  A beautiful God-given gift right in front of me which if I choose to make time for it, fills my life with rich beauty and joy.

Moments come in all different shapes and sizes but around here, most of them are everyday....

Moments of listening...tales of life in the fourth grade while I'm brushing bathtime snarls out of tangled hair.

Moments of beauty...the blue sky bold against the farmer's fields. 

Moments of quiet...when God impresses His Word into my time of silence.


What are your moments? Join me as we notice, pause and make time for our moments.

A Little Bit More....

I am married to Nate, my wonderful husband whose patience and ability to fix anything always amazes me. I have three sweet and lively kids all of whom were born in the short time span of three years. Phew! I look back and wonder some days how I ever managed a newborn, one year and two year old all at once?! God's grace, for sure.

My days are now filled with teaching reading part time at a local elementary school (such a privilege to aide kids in the fascinating process of learning to read), managing and loving on our busy household, which now includes one ridiculous and spoiled pug dog, and making time for writing here .
© Katie Landers
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